NICS 2025
Symposium Information - Denver, Colorado - 19 - 21 September
As of now, medical marijuana is legalized in 40 states, with an additional 24 states, along with D.C., Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and various Tribal nations, enacting laws permitting adult use of marijuana. Numerous other states are exploring legislation and referenda to legalize recreational marijuana in 2025.
These evolving legal shifts are profoundly influencing our legal system, families, and society at large. They present a dynamic and occasionally intricate terrain for a multitude of professions, including Law Enforcement, Judiciary, Legal Practitioners, Specialty Court Experts, Scientific Community, Drug and Alcohol Testing Sector, Academia, Cannabis Industry as well as Employment and Human Resource Associations & Organizations.
Our Symposium is a platform to bring together these diverse disciplines, each offering unique perspectives. Through education and collaboration, NICS seeks to foster a comprehensive understanding of cannabis-related issues across disciplines.
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