Clearing The Haze Podcast Episode#108 - NDASA Board of Directors Nominee Nina French
Clearing The Haze Podcast Episode #108 NDASA Board of Directors Nominee Nina French.
In this episode of Clearing the Haze podcast, host Chuck Marting interviews Nina French, a candidate for the executive board of trustees at NDASA.
DOT takes heat for drug testing certification delays
WASHINGTON — Drug testing facilities that have invested in oral-fluid-based testing for motor carriers, airlines, railroads and pipeline operators are pushing back on a proposal by the U.S. Department of Transportation that would temporarily reinstate urine-testing requirements.
As Marijuana Use Grows, Effect on Road Safety Remains a Blind Spot
Scientists want to create breathalyzers that show how recently a driver used marijuana. Researchers also are studying how cannabis impairs motor skills and reflexes for habitual and occasional users.
Changes to Roadside Drug Testing in NSW
Recent changes to roadside drug testing in New South Wales have significant implications for all motorists.